Friday, April 13, 2012

14th Commonwealth Forestry Conference

Issued in 1993
Forestry, particularly timber harvesting, is a cornerstone of the British Columbia economy. Until recently, B.C.'s forests were not being adequately replenished after harvesting. The area not satisfactorily restocked (NSR) was growing at a significant rate. However, with the introduction of new policies and legislation, a substantial increase in funding, and a tremendous improvement in knowledge through research and education, the situation has been reversed. New laws require that all harvested areas be regenerated. Seedling survival has increased significantly and the backlog of NSR is being eliminated.

Timeline of Events
1920 - 1st Commonwealth (Empire) Forestry Conference at London, England.
1921 - Commonwealth Forestry Association (CFA) established as the Empire Forestry Association
1923 - 2nd Commonwealth (Empire) Forestry Conference, Canada
1928 - 3rd Commonwealth (Empire) Forestry Conference, Australia & New Zealand
1935 - 4th Commonwealth (Empire) Forestry Conference, South Africa
1947 - 5th Commonwealth (Empire) Forestry Conference, Oxford, England
1952 - 6th Commonwealth (Empire) Forestry Conference, Canada
1957 - 7th Commonwealth Forestry Conference, Australia & New Zealand
1962 - 8th Commonwealth Forestry Conference, East Africa
1968 - 9th Commonwealth Forestry Conference1, New Delhi, India.
           Changing objectives of forest management
1974 - 10th Commonwealth Forestry Conference, Oxford, England.
            The forest and global environment
1980 - 11th Commonwealth Forestry Conference, Trinidad & Tobago.
            Forestry’s contribution to social and economic development
1985 - 12th Commonwealth Forestry Conference, Victoria, Canada.
            Theme: Investment in forestry – the needs and opportunities
1989 - 13th Commonwealth Forestry Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand.
            Forestry – a multiple-use enterprise
1993 - 14th Commonwealth Forestry Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
            People, the environment and forestry – conflict or harmony
1997 - 15th Commonwealth Forestry Conference, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.
            Forestry in a changing political environment: challenges for the 21st century
2001 - 16th Commonwealth Forestry Conference, Fremantle, Australia.
            Forests in a changing landscape
2005 - 17th Commonwealth Forestry Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
            Forestry’s contribution to poverty reduction
2010 - 18th Commonwealth Forestry Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland.
            Restoring the Commonwealth’s forests: tackling climate change

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