Friday, December 21, 2007


The Malaysia East Asia Satellite (MEASAT) programme is a two-satellite system which will spearhead the nation’s entry into the exclusive world community of communications satellite owners and operators. MEASAT falls under the category of new generation satellites which are specially designed for both broadcasting and communications services. Carrying an advanced hybrid payload designed for digital applications, MEASAT will provide an ideal medium to link Malaysians internally and to their East Asian neighbors. Being a regional satellite system, MEASAT is particularly suited for the region’s needs. The VSAT technology using MEASAT also opens the door to simultaneous transmission of video, data and voice over a single line. From its orbital slot 91.5°E, the footprints of MEASAT will cover most of East Asia, including Northern Australia, Hong Kong, India, Kampuchea, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, parts of Southern China and Malaysia. MEASAT-1 was launched into orbit from the European space port of Kourou in French Guiana, South America. The Ariane-4 is the launch vehicle used to deploy MEASAT-1 into geosynchronous orbit 36,000 kilometers above the equator. Telemetry, tracking and control of both satellites will be monitored from the MEASAT Satellite Control Centre located in Pulau Langkawi, an island off the north-west coast of Peninsular Malaysia, identified as the nation’s aerospace centre.

The 30sen stamp shows Ariance-4, the launch vehicle that will propel MEASAT into space. The 50sen stamp shows MEASAT’s reach extending throughout the East Asian region. The RM1 stamp shows the MEASAT Satellite Control Centre located at Gunung Raya in Pulau Langkawi.

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